辛普森一家 Wiki

         / =============================================================== \ 
        / _________________________________________________________________ \ 
       | ___________________________________________________________________ | 
       | |the E-mail on The Administrator's Computer                -  ×| | 
       | |                           Surprise!                             | | 
       | |    Congratulation, you find out the most impossible secret to f-| | 
       | |ind. U no what?This is a The Administrator's Computer!You can| | 
       | | do anything whatever you want. For example, you can create some | |
       | |interesting pages, like this.                                    | | 
       | |                          The Button                             | |
       | |    Aha, what a awesome computer!You can search the Message!     | | 
       | |    You can even delete words and sentences, it's like what's hap| |
       | |pening now...Hahahaha, not bad at all. Right?                    | | 
       | |▍◆@#…※%@#&¥☟☹¥%#☹@&%@#$◁$#@^#▆&$@$!#×¥☽…3#$@$^%$*$#| | 
       | |###########################ERROR_SCRIPT##########################| | 
       | |    ## VIRUS ATTACKING SUCCESSFUL                                | | 
       | |    ## VIRUS COMMANDING in very successful way                   | | 
       | |    ##Hallo, your computer is harked now. Just give it up!       | | 
       | |    ## the administrator's MAINTENANCE MACHINE COMING            | | 
       | |    ## MISSION ACCOMPLISHED                                      | |  
       | |#######################SUCCESSFUL_REPAIRING######################| | 
       | |Just Kidding!You even can't use this administrator's computer!   | | 
       | |RESTART the PROGRAM__                                            | | 
       | |________________________________________________________________ | |
       / Esc  F1 F2 F3 F4  F5 F6 F7 F8  F9 F10 F11 F12  Print 123 Scroll Pause\ 
      /~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - + BACKSPACE  Insert Home PageUP                 \
     /· 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 —=            Delete  End PageDW    NUMLOCK / *  -\
    /Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ]   ENTER                          7    8    9  + \
   /Cap A S D F G H J K L ; ' \                                   4    5    6  +  \
  /SHIFT Z X C V B N M , . /       SHIFT              ↑          1    2    3  En  \
 /Ctrl Menu Alt |Space| Alt Menu ▓ Ctrl           ← ↓ →       0  Ins  .Del ter  \ 